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Toppenish School District

Home of the Wildcats

Employment Opportunities

District mission - "We do what's best for kids."

We are looking for candidates wanting the opportunity to join our team and help ensure the continued success of our students.

Our current open positions

Apply here for the following positions

2024/2025 School Year

Preschool Early Learning Center – ECEAP Paraprofessional – Job Id 614

Lincoln Elementary & CATS – School Counselor – Job Id 616

Valley View Elementary – Paraprofessional – Job Id – 622

Garfield Elementary – Behavioral Support Paraprofessional – Job Id 626

Preschool Early Learning Center – ECEAP Paraprofessional – Job Id 647

Maintenance Department – General Clerk – Job Id 651

Garfield Elementary – Paraprofessional – Job Id 652

High School – Math & Reading Intervention Specialist – 24/25 SY Only –  Job Id 659

High School – Head Volleyball Coach – Job Id – 660

Middle School – Multilingual Paraprofessional – Job Id – 662

25/26 SY – High School – Assistant Football Coach (Defense Coordinator) - Job Id – 663

Middle School – Assistant Track Coach – Job Id – 664

Middle School – Assistant Track Coach – Job Id – 665

District Wide – Paraprofessional – Special Education – Job Id 667

Middle School – School Counselor – Job Id 668


In-District Only 

Transportation – Bus Aide – Job Id 615


Substitutes Needed  

  • Certificated Teachers
  • Paraprofessionals
  • Special Education Paraprofessionals
  • Bus Drivers
  • Cooks
  • Custodians 

Paraprofessional Assessment Information

The ETS ParaPro Assessment was developed in response to the federal No Child Left Behind ActThe law requires that paraprofessionals serving in an instructional capacity satisfy one of the following:

 An associate of arts degree OR • Two years of college OR • Demonstrate, through a state or local academic assessment, knowledge of, and the ability to assist in, the instruction of reading, writing, and math

The State of Washington requires a passing score of 455 or higher. If you do not score 455, you may take the test again, but you must wait 28 days between tests.

Testing Options

Prepare for the ParaPro Assessment


Toppenish School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:

El Distrito Escolar de Toppenish no discrimina en sus programas o actividades por motivos de sexo, raza, credo, religión, color, origen nacional, edad, condición de veterano de guerra o grado militar, orientación sexual, expresión de género o identidad, discapacidad o uso de perro guía entrenado o animal de servicio, y ofrece igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts y a otros grupos de jóvenes especificados.  Los empleados mencionados a arriba han sido designados para atender consultas y quejas de supuesta discriminación.:

Title IX Coordinator (Coordinador de Titulo IX)
Daniel Sanchez, Athletic Director
Toppenish School District
306 Bolin Drive, Toppenish WA  98948
Telephone Number:  509.865.8034

Section 504/ADA Coordinator (Coordinadora de Sección 504/ADA)
Sandra Birley, Special Education and 504 Director
Toppenish School District
306 Bolin Drive, Toppenish WA  98948
Telephone Number:  509.865.8148

Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator (Coordinadora de Cumplimiento de Derechos Civiles)
Shawn Myers, Assistant Superintendent
Toppenish School District
306 Bolin Drive, Toppenish WA  98948
Telephone Number:  509.865.4455

Equal Employment Opportunity